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WOW Playbook

This 175 page interactive playbook includes 26.5 copywriting techniques.

 15 AI Copywriting Bots
Sparky is your AI-powered copywriting buddy. Get 15 task-specific bots that help apply what you learn so you can go from idea to first draft, fast.

Copy Testing Cheatsheets

Use your copy testing cheatsheets to prioritize and plan your optimization tests.

“WOW!” Sell-Your-Work Script

This reusable template will make it easy to sell your ideas… and look like a genius in the process!

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Make tiny copy tweaks that drive BIG sales

Discover 26.5 science-backed copywriting techniques and get a system to go from idea to first draft... fast!

"WOW is the antidote to bloated (and expensive!) copywriting courses that just don't deliver the immediate results people like us need to turn our readers into buyers."

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  • 1xWallet-Opening Words$129

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